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Weleda Earache Relief Ear Drops 10ml - 10ml

Weleda Earache Relief Ear Drops 10ml - 10ml

Regular price $0.00
Topical homeopathic remedy that helps dry out mucus and relieve pain in prolonged earache and glue ear.

Team with internal remedy, Earache Relief Oral Drops (Levisticum Comp.) for best results.

Dosage: Instil 1 to 2 drops into the affected ear twice daily, or as directed by your health care professional.
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ingredients and allergens

ingredients: Each 1g contains: Oil extract equiv. dry: Equisetum arvense, herb 25mg; Lavandula angustifolia, flower 25mg; Levisticum officinale, root 50mg; and Clove Bud Oil 1mg; treated with Quartz 1mg.

product information

item code: 30167
size: 10ml
brand: Weleda

nutritional information

Note: Product and Nutrition information may change from time to time. Please refer to the actual pack label for the most accurate data.

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